All About Crow’s Feet


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Have you ever wondered about the origin of the term crow’s feet as a description of the lines or wrinkles that appear at the outer corner of the eyes? Most sources agree that it is very old – originario entre 1150 y 1500. Curiosamente, it is associated primarily with wrinkles on a mujer de cara.

¿Por qué las patas de gallo? Why not parakeet feet or finch feet?

It turns out that the choice of the bird and its digits was intentional. The term “crow’s feet” was/is meant to be unflattering and disparaging. Crows have long been regarded with negativity. Están considerados como plagas y carroñeros, omens of bad tidings, e incluso los heraldos de la muerte. Other familiar idioms using the word include “eating crow,"Admitir públicamente que estabas equivocado, and to “crow about” or to brag and boast. Hay mas. La mayoría son negativos.

These lines appear all through our lives when we squint, guiño, sonreír, y reír. Con el tiempo, the familiar folds become etched in the skin. Even though we may realize that we probably earned them by way of happiness, the term “crow’s feet” sprang from a meme that makes them particularly undesirable. It has appeared over the centuries in literature and poetry to describe a woman damaged, tarnished and spent. No es de extrañar que nos encontremos poco atractivos y les deseamos ido.

por suerte, hay algunos no quirúrgico, aesthetic solutions available to mitigate them. Piel con láser y dermoabrasión puede disminuir la aparición de estos pies aviar en nuestras caras. Otra solución es muy popular Botox®. By inactivating the muscles that bunch up and deepen the wrinkles, you’ll notice fewer creases when you smile. Sin embargo, this won’t improve the appearance of the lines when the face is at rest. Para eso, rellenos dérmicos se utilizan a menudo. Dr. Hernandez may recommend combining strategies for the best results.

Si desea hablar sobre sus pies perico, contact the office para programar una consulta no quirúrgico. It is provided at no charge and the outcome is often so wonderful you’ll want to crow about it. Uy. Let’s not go there.


Vivian Hernández, MD FACS
Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, specializing in Facelift, Cirugía Plástica de la Cara, Rellenos dérmicos y Botox®



  • Sociedad Americana de Cirugía Plástica Estética
  • Sociedad Americana de Cirujanos Plásticos
  • Junta Americana de Cirugía Plástica
  • Colegio Americano de Cirujanos
  • Certified Expert Inyector

Formación Quirúrgica:

  • Fellow Estética del Hospital Universitario de Nueva York / Manhattan Ojo, Oreja & Garganta del Hospital
  • Fellow Estética en los Drs. Panadero & Gordon en Miami
  • Residencia en el Hospital de la Universidad de Illinois en Chicago
  • Capacitación en Cirugía General en la Universidad de Cornell Hospital Docente

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